Electives Techy Tools

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Web 2.0 Tool (Name)  URL/Website  Description  Lesson Example
Doink http://www.doink.com/ create fun animations students can use their drawing tool to create animations and art projects
Flaming Text  http://www.flamingtext.com  art logo creator  team names 
National Gallery of Art http://www.nga.gov/kids/kids.htm interactive art you can make online students can create scenes and build their own characters
Picasso Head  http://www.picassohead.com/ create a simple face in the style of Picasso; used online; Free can be used in Art Class before, after, during art appreciation or art history or the study of Picasso's artwork 
SmugMug http://www.smugmug.com/ upload your photos and share with others  
Visuwords  http://www.visuwords.com/ type in a word and get more detailed definitions by mousing over synonyms provided  can be used in all subjects to teach vocabulary and synonyms